Mindset Coaching

For Pro Organizers + Entrepreneurs

Have you bought all the courses + read all the books…
yet wonder why you’re still spinning and second-guessing?

Other business coaching programs give you the HOW.
Yet they leave YOU out of the equation.

You’re seeking less stress + more certainty
while navigating your business journey.

You’re out there decluttering… who’s decluttering you?

Let’s talk about the internal life of an entrepreneur…

It’s no secret… you’re good at what you do.

You care about helping folks declutter, get organized, and become more productive.

You see the impact your efforts make on their lives and their families and others do too.

You know your method works, yet… managing + sustaining a business has its own set of challenges.

I hear from so many pro organizers + small business owners:

“I know exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m just not doing it.”

“I’m organized + productive, yet there’s so much to do. I’m not sure of what to focus on next."

“I’m always afraid I’m going to let something slip.”

“I feel like I’m always working. And when I’m not working, it’s hard to rest.

I want to do it the right way.”

I get it, and there’s another way.

Mindset coaching has transformed my approach to business + life.

Amelia in black v-neck tee and jeans leaning against a wood table. A green plant is at the edge of the frame to her left.

I’m a recovering perfectionist.

I’ve spent the last 5 years learning that how I treat myself impacts my business results.

I’ve felt stuck and dealt with feelings of “not enough-ness.”

I’ve worked way longer hours than I should, pushed through, and spun in place. I've thought that my projects and ideas needed more research and more time before they were ready.

I’ve gotten caught in the exhaustion cycle of DOING more to BE more.

This kept my clients from getting what they need.


I’ve unlearned these ingrained habits.

I’ve built a successful business that’s aligned with my life by using the tools of curiosity, awareness, and self-compassion.

I’ve learned how to be productive but not overwork.

I've learned how to get things done in a way that feels amazing.

I’ve learned how to serve my clients + how to rest.

Mindset coaching has taught me to:

See more solutions + more possibilities for my clients and my business.

Increase my impact while not burning myself out or beating myself up.

I help you find inner alignment
so business feels less stressful + more fulfilling.

My coaching approach explores the root cause of what’s cluttering your mindset.

It’s exhausting to consistently meet high standards on a daily basis.

Overwhelm and confusion can shake your confidence and leave you feeling stuck.

Then there’s perfectionism and busy-brain…

Together, we’ll gently strip away all the unseen layers and inner obstacles that are getting in the way of your ambition.

I help you align what you’re selling on the outside… with how you’re feeling on the inside.

My philosophy is that you’re built for business.

You’re an excellent problem solver. You have all the tools needed to be successful inside of yourself.

Yet, business owners of every level encounter inner obstacles.

Together, we’ll identify practical tools and simple solutions. Let’s return your energy + focus to transforming your clients’ lives.

Your clients desire your full attention + capacity.

A clutter-free mindset is a win for them + a win for you.

Amelia in black v-neck with coffee mug sitting in a light gray chair laughing with eyes closed.

You’ve got the skills.
Let’s tidy up your beliefs.

Your mindset is flexible.
It opens to new ideas + possibilities when you challenge it.

Challenging your mindset looks like:

  • Becoming aware of how your perspective is both creating + impacting your current results.

  • Normalizing the stressors of business, yet learning exactly why these stressors are optional.

  • Learning techniques to allow your emotions and use them as fuel for success.

  • Increasing your risk tolerance and emotional resilience in a supportive environment.

  • Practicing self-compassion while learning and implementing new ways of thinking, operating, + being.

  • Understanding how rest, play, and regular celebrations boost your creativity and bottom line.

  • Expanding your view of what’s possible + achievable.

Let’s increase your certainty, lower your stress, and make business enjoyable again!

Who is Mindset Coaching for?

If you are a new or seasoned business owner who’s:

  • feeling stuck or like you’re spinning in circles

  • know what you need to do but aren’t doing it

  • overwhelmed + not sure what to focus on next

  • exhausted from trying to consistently meet high standards

  • struggling with perfectionism or busy-brain

  • languishing from imposter-syndrome

  • frustrated from feeling busy but not seeing planned results

  • wondering if business will always feel this hard

  • questioning yourself, your path, or your strategies

  • seeking more time for creativity, pleasure, or time off

  • desiring for business to feel lighter, easier, and much more fun

  • “doing it all” - running a business, managing a home, caring for others

I see you.

Your Next Steps

  • Book Your Consultation

    50 min | Zoom

    Connect with me for a safe, judgment-free, no obligation conversation to decide if we’re a fit.

    If not, I’ll happily refer you to another coaching or service provider within my network.

    If we’re a fit, we’ll decide together exactly what to do next.

  • Customize Your Solution

    6 Sessions | $2000 | Weekly or Bi-Weekly

    My job is to build a bridge between where you are now and where you want to go.

    My process is simple:

    * I’ll listen for + uncover the root cause of what's keeping you spinning, stuck or feeling cluttered.

    * Next, we’ll use compassion and kindness to declutter, simplify, + solve for your obstacle.

    * I’ll teach you how to pursue priorities with clarity + intention.

    * I’ll be your accountability partner and I’ll celebrate with you... the best part!

  • Execute Your Solution

    Virtual Coaching

    Examples include:

    * Feeling empowered to try new things.

    * Raising your prices or setting limits on your working hours.

    * Loosening the grip of perfectionism.

    * Managing your task list without sacrificing customer quality.

    * Simplifying your profitable, values-driven, joyful business.

    * Eliminating internal friction + confidently pursuing next steps.

    * Aligning your business with your lifestyle so it's sustainable.

    * Softening your internal self-talk knowing you're always making the right, best decisions.

Client Quotes: