Amelia wearing a black blazer, a white v-neck tee, and blue jeans standing outside leaning forward smiling at you.

Clutter Coaching

Have you tried lots of organizing solutions,
yet feel like there’s more underneath?

Other solutions only address the external problem.

You’re looking for internal tools
to handle all types of clutter.

Let’s talk about what it takes to truly get organized + stay organized…

I hear from so many women:

“It feels impossible to keep up with all the stuff. There’s never enough time. No one ever helps.

The to-do list is never-ending. It shouldn’t be this hard to manage a home.

The truth is… that there’s SO much truth to these statements AND they’re just a few of the things keeping you stuck feeling disorganized and without control.

I became a Clutter Coach to help women who are frazzled, cluttered, and overworked live a more intentional, aligned, + sustainable home life.

Together, we gently strip away all the unseen layers and inner obstacles that are keeping your home + life cluttered so you can live more simply.

(You literally can’t maintain routines + systems if you’re spinning in circles, feeling exhausted + overwhelmed, lack the confidence, have been told for decades that you’re ‘disorganized,’ are a in a state of grief, etc. Clutter coaching is a holistic approach, as a result.)

I help you declutter, then implement strategies + systems that make sense to you.

My philosophy is that when you learn tools like curiosity + self-compassion, plus fill in any organizing + productivity skills gaps you may have, you’ll step into being the organized individual that’s inside of you.

You’ll do the work of getting organized, and you’ll do the work of maintaining the routines + systems we co-create because it will feel absolutely possible + manageable.

How does that feel?

Skills + Beliefs = the pathway to
permanently eliminating clutter in your home + life.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:


Organizing + productivity SKILLS.

No matter what type of environment you grew up in, organization + home management skills can be taught, and they can be learned.

These include things like:

  • How to narrow the scope of a project + determine your timeline

  • How to declutter a space by defining your decision-making guidelines

  • How to categorize effectively so you can retrieve something later

  • How to measure a cabinet, shelf, drawer, or closet with the goal of selecting appropriate storage containers

  • How to maintain a space + teach others in the household to do the same

Believing you are capable provides the necessary foundation for the skills.


Organizing + productivity BELIEFS.

Belief is the deeper, inner layer that most in-home organizers don’t address.

Believing you are capable of decluttering, organizing, and maintaining a space is an even bigger element of a creating a clutter-free environment.

Believing you are capable of setting boundaries, managing your time + energy, and trusting you’ll honor what you want is an essential element of creating a clutter-free lifestyle.

Belief looks like:

  • Accepting that “being organized” isn’t a special gene that only some people have. “Organized” folks have simply had more practice or better teachers.

  • Understanding that you set the daily standards + expectations for your space. These can evolve whenever you feel like changing them.

  • Being kind to yourself as you learn, practice, + implement new ways of thinking + being

  • Being willing to entertain that the state of your home has nothing whatsoever to do with your self-worth.

  • Trusting that if + when a space becomes cluttered again that you’ll know exactly what to do next. Maintaining + resetting a space becomes second nature.

Who is Clutter Coaching for?

If you are…

  • feeling pulled in a million directions

  • unsure of what to focus on when

  • starting projects but not finishing them

  • struggling to keep up with all the details

  • exhausted from anticipating everyone’s needs + feelings

  • frustrated + overwhelmed by all the items, emails, commitments

  • wondering if you’ll ever get your independence + control back

  • moving, divorcing, returning to work, becoming a caregiver…

  • resigned that you’ll tidy up, be more productive or organized “someday”

  • “doing it all” - the mental, emotional, + physical work around the house

I see you.

Clutter Coaching is for folks looking for internal solutions to external clutter.
If you’re seeking a lifestyle change, and see yourself in one of these categories, let’s chat.

  • You want less stuff.

  • You want more time.

  • You want more help.

I’ve got you — one simple step at a time.

You’re more organized than you think.

Your Next Steps

  • Book Your Consultation

    50 min | Zoom

    Connect with me for a safe, judgment-free, no obligation conversation to decide if we’re a fit.

    If not, I’ll happily refer you to another service provider within my network.

    If we’re a fit, we’ll decide together exactly what to do next.

  • Customize Your Solution

    24 Sessions | $8000 | Weekly or Bi-Weekly

    My job is to build a bridge between where you are now and where you want to go.

    My process is simple:

    * I’ll listen for + uncover the obstacles that are keeping you stuck + feeling cluttered.

    * Next, we’ll declutter what’s in your way.

    * I’ll help you prioritize + plan your time so that you know exactly what to do next.

    * I’ll teach you how to organize AND maintain any needed systems + processes.

    * I’ll be your accountability partner and I’ll celebrate with you each step of the way.

  • Execute Your Solution

    All sessions held virtually.

    * You’ll feel empowered to set limits on your working hours + to rest when you want.

    * You’ll feel empowered to care for your own mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

    * You’ll feel empowered to transfer chores, care tasks, + and to-do’s to others.

    * You’ll feel empowered to decide what belongs in your home and what doesn’t.

    * You’ll feel empowered that a win for you is a win for others. 

I’ll teach you how to
manage AND maintain your home
so you’ll have
less stuff, more time, and more help.

Or… You can:

  • Keep letting more into the house than goes out

  • Keep spinning in circles + swimming in overwhelm

  • Keep saying ‘yes’ when what you really mean is ‘no’

  • Keep letting the resentment + irritation build

  • Keep telling yourself someone else will handle it

  • Keep procrastinating + waiting for ‘one day’

  • Keep thinking others will suddenly step up and help

  • Keep putting yourself last + going to bed exhausted

  • Keep looking for the quick fix that never quite sticks

  • Keep shaming yourself for not figuring it out…

Because NOT making a decision is a decision to keep the clutter.

Client Quotes

  • "I'm the authority. I trust myself."

  • "I've reached the end of my list for today."

  • "I've made friends with where things are in my home."

  • "I'm in good hands. Even if something goes wrong, I know I can handle it."

  • "Before, I white knuckled it, and the clutter never stayed gone. Now there's no drama or suffering."

  • "I can access memories without having the item."

  • "I have complete control over my belongings now."