What Clutter is Costing You

This message might be a little unpopular and hard to hear, and that's okay. Emotional avoidance is the primary reason you haven’t addressed the clutter in your life. Clutter can show up as physical objects or and overcommitted schedule. Clutter can show up as relationships that drain you. Clutter can be long-held stories about the person you think you are or long to become.

It’s easier to turn away from the it.
It’s easier to let someone else handle it.
It’s easier to minimize how it’s affecting you.
It's easier to tell yourself other things are more urgent or more important.
It's easier to keep saying yes "I'll be there" or "I can do that."

Yet, you don't realize that you're spending your brain space, your time, and your energy in exchange.

Holding onto the clutter in your life:

💸 It's costing you money. This may look like impulse buying, overspending, or putting money towards temporary solutions that solve for emotional discomfort (food/alcohol or a shiny new gadget/luxury item).

💸 It's costing you physical + mental health. This may look like incremental increases in cortisol levels (stress hormone), sleeplessness, higher blood pressure, anxiety, etc.

💸 It's costing you physical + mental space. This may look like the inability to park in the garage or use your office, basement, or to even relocate to a desired destination.

💸 It's costing you closure to the grieving process for a loved one. This may look like holding onto someone else's belongings out of sentimentality or obligation.

💸 It's costing you time. This may look like spinning in circles, doing more than your fair share of housework, not being able to shut your brain off at the end of the day, or giving your time away for free rather than spending it on activities that make you feel alive.

Dress form surrounded by piles of cardboard boxes.

The organizing and productivity industry offers a variety of types of solutions. All will offer temporary relief. Things will look more organized and maybe feel more organized... for awhile.

Yet, my experience has shown that if the emotional avoidance still remains, the clutter will return.

Yet, it’s easier to ignore the costs. You may even be used to how these costs show up in your life.

However, your past choices are not indicative of future change.

My tried + tested solution is about getting to the root cause of your clutter so that you stop spending your brain space, your time, and your energy in ways that don't enrich your life.

​It involves feeling your feelings and shifting your mindset.

It involves being honest and open with yourself… in a completely judgment-free, wholly loving space where you're never made to feel wrong about the choices you've made.

It’s about permanently lightening your load, healing, and living in alignment with who you want to be.

If this solution speaks to you, let’s chat.
My job is to be radically honest with you from a space of non-judgment and love, and I’m ready…if you are.


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