Welcome! I’m Amelia.

I’m a Clutter Coach,
Pro Organizer,
Certified Fair Play Facilitator,
+ Home Life Expert.

If feeling frazzled, cluttered, + overworked isn’t your dream life,
you’re in the right place.

Amelia standing in white v-neck tee and jeans. Hands in pockets, looking at you, and laughing.

I help you permanently eliminate clutter in your home + life.

Your days are ruled by a never-ending to-do list.

You check a few things off, then ten more items get added to it.

It feels impossible to keep up with all the stuff.

It feels like there’s never enough time.

It feels like no one ever helps.

I hear you…

It shouldn’t be this hard to manage a home.

Have you tried lots of organizing solutions,
yet feel like there’s more underneath?

Other solutions only address the external problem.

You’re looking for internal tools to handle all types of clutter.

If you are…

  • feeling pulled in a million directions

  • unsure of what to focus on when

  • starting projects but not finishing them

  • struggling to keep up with all the details

  • exhausted from anticipating everyone’s needs + feelings

  • frustrated + overwhelmed by all the items, emails, commitments

  • feeling defeated from repeated attempts to get organized

  • moving, divorcing, returning to work, becoming a caregiver…

  • resigned that you’ll tidy up, be more productive or organized “someday”

  • “doing it all” - the mental, emotional, + physical work around the house

I see you.

It’s a challenge to get organized + stay organized
when you don’t believe it’s possible for you.

You’re more organized than you think.

I’ve helped dozens of folks simplify.
My unique coaching approach blends organizing, productivity, and mindset.

My clients think they “should” know how
to manage their home, manage their time, and to get others to help out.

They think they’re disorganized.
In my experience, they’ve not been taught the skills in a way that works for them.

I care.

I’ve helped women claim their free time.

I’ve helped clients downsize, and I’ve helped clients upsize.

I’ve helped clients let go of sentimental items with gentleness + compassion.

I’ve helped professionals complete large projects + coaches organize their businesses.

I’ve helped moms simplify their routines and put an end to their never-ending to-do list.

I’ve helped professional organizers practice what they preach.

I’ve helped partners let go of resentment + learn to share household responsibilities.

I’ve helped individuals set up task + time management systems to ensure things get done.

I’ve helped folks with ADHD and neurodivergent brains establish routines that make sense.

I’ll guide you step-by-step until you know exactly what to do next.

I’ll believe in you while you build belief in yourself.

What My Clients Say:

  • I started working with Amelia...and I can see the progress. As an attorney, I always put my client's ahead of myself. As a result, after practicing for years and with life's personal ups and downs my spacious and organized home became cramped and cluttered. I just did not have the time, and after work I did not have the energy. Amelia asked pointed questions in our sessions, and thereafter I could see and guard agains re-cluttering spaces that had opened up. Amelia basically created or was the birth or witness to a tidal wave of purging. I'm well on my to living the living the life I deserve with peace and the spacial tranquility I deserve that Amelia helped to foster. It's just a fact. Life is lived better without clutter.

    ~ L. R. Adams

  • I hired Amelia to help me navigate the many boxes I had in my home from the passing of some loved ones. Every time I had attempted to start going through them, I can’t describe the depth of the grief and the emotional pain that came up for me. I would get overwhelmed so easily and just put the lid back on and close it up. When we moved into our new home, the boxes came with us, and became a real source of tension in my household and marriage. Here we were, in our new home, to create new memories, and I was holding onto so many things that weren’t even mine. Some because I wanted to but many because I felt I had to. I didn’t feel like the authority in my own home.

    There were some deep emotional ties to some items, but Amelia helped me realize that not every object was meaningful to me. She showed me ways to honor my loved ones, to pay tribute to their memory, without holding onto the physical objects. I developed a system to help me determine what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to let go of. It simplified the entire process.

    The thing is, when we pass away, those left behind will get to say what happens to our things. And I knew that if I didn’t make these decisions around these items, those decisions would be made for me by someone else. She helped me take back my own authority so that I could make powerful decisions and release pain.

    The entirety of the coaching relationship, I felt heard, seen, and cared for. Amelia really put me at ease through this process and supported me all along the way. Her coaching is impactful, deep, and she was able to ask me the right questions to help me uncover and move through my emotional baggage. Now, I know that without a doubt, I have full authority of what comes into and stays in my home. I no longer keep items out of obligation or that don’t fit in my lifestyle and with who I am. This is coaching that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I couldn’t recommend Amelia more.

    ~ Daphne W.

  • Our coaching began while I was in the middle of house hunting, parenting a 1 year old and a 3 year old toddler, and working from home full time. At our first session I felt frustrated, overwhelmed, utterly exhausted and a bit resentful that I had no time for myself. I felt like I was failing as a mother, partner, and employee.

    Amelia guided me through holding space for myself, challenging my limiting beliefs, and ultimately changing my behaviors.

    ~ Regina L.

  • The work we did together changed the way I think and how I live my life. I was able to declutter and let go of a lot of emotional feelings I had about ‘stuff.’

    It was very freeing. I also love the way she helped me organize. I feel so much more efficient and intentional. Wonderful service! I highly recommend.

    ~ Danielle K.

  • I love how she takes things apart and puts them back together approaching them logically… She is a great listener and an effective communicator. She’s pushed me to figure matters out and given me a fresh perspective when I found myself swimming in circles unable to find a way out.

    Thank you for presenting me with new ideas and helping me put the dreams I have for my future in perspective. Her work is invaluable.

    ~ Z.L.

As Seen In + Trusted By